Hello, my name is Erik Vandergrift

Hello, my name is Erik Vandergrift

Design is my passion, whether exploring its history, working on projects, or brainstorming new ideas. What drives me most is helping others, whether it's designing a free logo for a startup, creating a poster of someone's favorite artist, or offering feedback. I know how challenging design can be.

My favorite quote, by Paul Rand, sums it up perfectly: "Design is so simple, that's why it's so complicated."

Design is my passion, whether exploring its history, working on projects, or brainstorming new ideas. What drives me most is helping others, whether it's designing a free logo for a startup, creating a poster of someone's favorite artist, or offering feedback. I know how challenging design can be.

My favorite quote, by Paul Rand, sums it up perfectly: "Design is so simple, that's why it's so complicated."

Design is my passion, whether exploring its history, working on projects, or brainstorming new ideas. What drives me most is helping others, whether it's designing a free logo for a startup, creating a poster of someone's favorite artist, or offering feedback. I know how challenging design can be.

My favorite quote, by Paul Rand, sums it up perfectly: "Design is so simple, that's why it's so complicated."

Picture of Erik Vandergrift
Picture of Erik Vandergrift
Picture of Erik Vandergrift
Image of Erik holding one of his posters
Image of Erik holding one of his posters
Image of Erik holding one of his posters
Clark Green Initiative Logo
Clark Green Initiative Logo
Clark Green Initiative Logo

My Story

My Story

Growing up, I felt disconnected from art and drawing. I believed to be an artist required hand drawn skills, so I pursued computer science instead. However, in my first week of Intro to Computer Science at Clark University, I dropped the class, unsure of what to do next. Thankfully, my advisor guided me toward other options, leading to a life changing moment.

I enrolled in an entrepreneurship class focused on helping the community, where I created my first logo and design. That’s when I realized design is a blend of art and message, and it inspired me to keep creating. I was fortunate to take classes through the Becker School of Design, where I’m majoring in UI/UX design and earning my master’s in Fine Arts. Now, design is a part of my everyday life, a way to help, connect, and inspire others.

My Experiences

In April of 2024 I co-founded a design studio where we provide web design, web development, and branding services for businesses and organizations. My partner and I have worked with 13 and counting different companies providing our services and solutions. We call our startup Knit Studios because we believe designs are best built hands on. You can check out our site: Knit Studios

I'm also currently Graphic Designer for the Visual & Performing Arts department at Clark University. Where I create engaging and captivating posters for events held by the department.

In April of 2024 I co-founded a design studio where we provide web design, web development, and branding services for businesses and organizations. My partner and I have worked with 13 and counting different companies providing our services and solutions. We call our startup Knit Studios because we believe designs are best built hands on. You can check out our site: Knit Studios

I'm also currently Graphic Designer for the Visual & Performing Arts department at Clark University. Where I create engaging and captivating posters for events held by the department.

Picture of Erik Vandergrift
Picture of Erik Vandergrift
Picture of Erik Vandergrift

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